Cat pics are cute,
but can they rewire your brain?
With Sommos, you can stave off dementia, improve your brain and entertain your family for generations.
2024 RealLIST Startups
Voted #5 - 2024 RealLIST Most Promising Startups
Welcome to a new era of digital storytelling, Where every narrative is a bridge to more meaningful, brain-enriching interactions.
Storytelling enhances cognitive health.
We believe in the transformative power of storytelling – not just as a pastime, but as a tool for cognitive enhancement and emotional connection. Science actually shows that the act of storytelling can release dopamine and oxytocin, and therefore, improve well-being, mood, memory and boost cognitive health. Based on that science, Sommos combines the art of storytelling with the science of cognition.
Our AI-driven Cognitive Health Dashboard tracks and analyzes key cognitive functions over time, empowering you with actionable insights to enhance mental wellness and memory retention.
Sommos is a groundbreaking platform designed to harness the power of AI to enhance cognitive health through storytelling and memory recall. At the same time, Sommos makes capturing, sharing and preserving your family stories effortless, and turns every story into a healthier brain.
Memories Stored. Memory Strengthened.
Rewire Your Brain - One Story at a Time
helps you:
Learn the stories
that shape your families' lives.
Improve cognitive health & wellbeing.
Connect generations.
Preserve your family legacy
for future generations.
Sommos is a game changer! My grandmother and I interview each other. I learn so much more about her! She is so interesting and a total badass. Each time we use Sommos, our cognitive health scores go through the roof! I’m just so happy that now one day my grandchildren can see her and get to know her too.
- Marisol
    Sign up for SOMMOS and start telling your story!